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7 Unique Reasons For Learning a Foreign Language

Thinking about learning a new language?

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Whether you have a natural interest or practical reasons, building your language skills provides numerous benefits that you’ll nurture for the rest of your life. We have listed 7 unique reasons why you should embark on your language learning journey.

  1. Develop your charisma:

    Expanding your language skills will make you more confident about yourself and communicating with others. Greater knowledge of languages (also your native one!) can help you develop a more eloquent character, as well as become a better leader. Once you realise how people would be impressed by your charm and glamour, you won’t want to stop!

  2. Build international business connections:

    Whether you’re a current or aspiring entrepreneur, working hard to reach a managerial position, or simply in search of the next opportunity, making the right connections and building your network is extremely important. In a globalised world, the ability to build deeper relationships by communicating in the local language of interest is not only vital but it can also help you achieve your goals sooner.

  3. Become more open-minded:

    When you understand the uniqueness of different cultures, you learn to respect, appreciate more, as well as judge less. You get to see the bigger picture in life and have an alternative point of view on things. You never know what situations you will face in life, and building such a mindset may help you when you least expect it.

  4. Set yourself ahead for international job positions:

    Multilingual people can achieve deeper levels of communication within diverse communities, which gives them a competitive edge. Employers see it as a valuable asset as you would be able to interact with and understand a broader market. Language learning can open doors for you, providing new career opportunities, not to mention perks such as business trips! By being the only competent international negotiator in the company, your boss would have no choice but to assign you to the business trip. Ta-da!

  5. Boost brain power:

    By constantly acquiring new knowledge, the brain’s memory “muscle” is continuously strengthened. Many languages have different structures with distinct features including grammar rules, characters, etymology etc…, which requires a large memory capacity! Language learning strengthens your ability to learn and has numerous positive effects, ranging from memory improvement to a longer attention span.

  6. Explore a new culture:

    Substantial cultural background is deeply rooted in a language. When acquiring a new language, you get to assimilate the culture behind it, grasping the diversity and beauty of the world. You’ll end up understanding the world better, as well as people’s history and heritage, nourishing your life with cultural awareness like never before.

  7. Enrich your travel experiences:

    Ever wished you understood the local language spoken in the country you travelled to? Simply having a basic conversational knowledge of the local language can help you sink into the culture and make your adventure a more authentic experience. You can learn a lot more about the people you interact with, through communication in their local language. Make new friends when traveling, and you’ll end up getting to know both yourself and the local communities better!

There are plenty of reasons why language learning can help you grow as a person. Several options are available to find your ideal way of learning a new language. FluentUp is a useful tool that makes it easy to discover and choose online language courses from top language schools all over the world, according to your needs.

Mastering a new language requires a ton of effort but it is definitely worth the investment. You will not regret it!

Never stop learning.