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Should I Learn Spanish?

Language learning is all about motivation and motivation means finding your “Why”. A practical answer to this “Why” when it comes to Spanish, is that it is quickly becoming the second most widely spoken language in the world.

A 2013 report by British Council, titled “Languages for the Future” identified Spanish as the most important language UK nationals should learn. There are about 400 million native Spanish speakers in the world, making it the second most widely spoken language, holding an official language status in 21 different countries. The overall Spanish speaking population continues to grow in quantity as well as economically, socially and culturally.


Reasons to Learn Spanish:

  1. Similarities to English:

    English shares a heritage with Spanish. This makes it easier for a person who already speaks English to relate and learn most of the words of the Spanish language. While Johann Wolfgang von Goethe may have been exaggerating when he said

    “He who knows no foreign language, knows nothing of his own.”

    It cannot be denied that if you have studied English, you will, without doubt, gain a better understanding of Spanish.

    • Actor (English) — Actor (Spanish)
    • Admirable(English) — Admirable (Spanish)
    • Area (English) — Area (Spanish)
    • Auto (English) — Auto (Spanish)
    • Cafe (English) — Café (Spanish)


    Cognates are English words with Latin roots. Cognates are the easy way to get a Spanish vocabulary of thousands of words.

    For Example,

    English — Spanish

    University — Universidad

    Society — Sociedad

    Originality — Orginalidad

  2. Boosts employment prospects:

    Language skills are a huge plus in today’s competitive market. As Spanish is widely spoken, it is becoming a valuable asset for employees and employers. A 2017 study by New American Economy found that the demand for bilingual employees in the US has more than doubled for both low-skilled and high-skilled workers. A rising number of employers prefer individuals who can speak Spanish fluently.

    Be aware of certain skill sets you need so you can obtain your dream job.


  3. Self Improvement:

    Besides the obvious external benefits, learning Spanish is a good idea because of the self-improvement dynamic that it will most likely get you into. Brain fitness is a real thing. Studies have proven that your learning can be directly beneficial for your brain offering you better abilities when it comes to problem-solving. Spanish can help boost the intelligence that might put you in a better position in your daily activities.

    Here are just a few of the ways learning Spanish will help your brain with:

    • Improved memory

    • Better decision making (including the ability to make more rational decisions)
    • Improved multitasking
    • You become more observant and better able to spot inconsistencies
    • The effects of dementia are delayed as you age

  4. Spanish will expand your universe:

    According to Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein,

    “The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.”

    There is no doubt that learning Spanish will expand your own personal universe. As the Spanish speaker population increases, it is becoming ever more important to learn the Spanish language. Opportunities in all the fields will become available once a person has learned Spanish.


    Spanish as a second language opens new opportunities to communicate with Spanish speaking employees, families, neighbours etc. Becoming fluent in Spanish will offer you an unrivalled feeling of accomplishment. It is a skill which can be of significant importance to you for the remainder of your life given its influence on modern culture in most areas of the world.


  5. Interact with Culture; Better Holidays and Travel:

    As mentioned Spanish is spoken in 21 countries. It will make your travelling much easier in those countries. Being able to interact directly when living or travelling to Spanish speaking countries will make you more confident and appreciative of what happens around you. Spanish offers a vast wealth of literature (both modern and traditional), Music, Dance and Cinema, that is renowned worldwide. Spain has produced some of the greatest literary, artistic, theatre and philosophical minds in human history. It has been the birthplace of numerous great and supremely talented writers for centuries. Getting to know such culture helps in interacting deeply with the Spanish people and enriches your life and character.