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The language of opportunities: Why study Chinese?

Studying Chinese has become an increasingly popular choice. In the age of social media, the world is becoming a more open and interconnected space. The internet is changing the way we communicate.

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Even the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, one of the wealthiest guys in the world running an influential company every day is trying hard to study his Chinese, here are some reasons I believe you should consider learning the language as well.

  1. Chinese will open up a world of opportunities for you

    China’s economy is booming

    China’s economy has grown massively in the recent decade, and the country is now an important player on the global business stage. In fact — it’s the world’s biggest ecommerce market, making it an important country to do business with if you plan to be an international business tycoon! Studying Chinese does offer many benefits to professional growth.

    Businessmen in China are seeking to invest in overseas businesses

    As more business began to emerge from China, they also seek to establish a global footprint. Chinese brands like Xiaomi and Huawei are aggressively expanding their business worldwide. Due to the lack of people in the Western business world who can speak both Chinese and English, you can benefit yourself by studying Chinese and transform yourself into somebody who is important to the success of a project that is related to China, thereby making yourself a very attractive hire.

    Manage cultural diversity in the workplace

    Learning to communicate in a foreign language often forces us to learn how to listen. And the ability to listen and understand others is important for one to succeed in the workplace. Studying Chinese for business can establish a cultural IQ, which will make you look more trustworthy and accomplished to others.

    ​See here how Mark impressed the audience with his Chinese skills during a Q&A session at Tsinghua University in China.

  2. Enjoy wider and deeper travelling

    Chinese is not only spoken in China — it’s also spoken in Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore and many other places besides. A lot of countries also have strong Chinese populations, and being able to speak Chinese will make your travelling experience more enjoyable. Especially China has a huge non-Enlgish-speaking population, to get a real local experience while travelling, the ability to speak Chinese is always beneficial!

  3. Chinese isn’t as hard as you think

    When it comes to the issue of grammatical complexity, Chinese is really one of the easiest languages to learn. Unlike many European languages, it does not contain complicated grammar components like cases, genders and plurals. It also treats tenses in a very simple way. Also, you will have lots of chances to practice due to the large Chinese-speaking populations. Just find a native chinese speaker online to study the language!

  4. A semester abroad in China

    China is not only one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world — it’s also an exciting, fast-growing modern country. While the economy is exploding, the living cost in China is surprisingly low. There are also many language schools in China that help you study the language. Consider spending a semester in China and studying Chinese? Let’s plan it!

Why study Chinese? The answers are obvious! FluentUp connects you with accredited language schools all over the world offering live online courses, private or group lessons and study-abroad experiences. Sign up here to join the Chinese learning community and explore the world of opportunities!

Special Announcement: To celebrate our arrival, we are offering a sweepstake. Answer 3 simple questions at http://www.fluentup.com/prelaunch to get a chance to win a package of online language lessons worth up to US 500! Promotion ends 31 Jan 2018.