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Want To Become A Role Model Multilingual Couple?

February 14th is fast approaching and it is time to think of all the lovebirds who are able to overcome the biggest challenge of all: a language barrier! While it is true that love has no boundaries, why should we suffer the pain of misunderstandings, incomprehension and unnecessary hard feelings due to poor communication?

When thinking about the power of love in language learning, at FluentUp we think of the great Colin Firth (Jamie) and Lúcia Moniz (Aurelia) in the film Love Actually. Their struggle is real! With few alternatives, Jamie is forced to speak to her in English, while she has no choice but to reply in Portughese. Lovestruck, Jamie returns to London and takes Portughese lessons (with the usual difficulties in learning a new language), ready to conquer the love of his life by delivering a simple, yet amazing proposal speech in Portughese that startles all! Now that’s one “#languagechallenge accepted” and one “#languagebarrier” broken down! You can find the scene from the movie below. Make sure you prepare some handkerchiefs!

We’re not suggesting that you to go learn your partner’s language and propose (although that would be awesome!) to be the role model multilingual couple, but there are amazing benefits to learning a new language as a couple, particularly when discovering each other’s language in the first place. Intercultural relationships are on the rise and more and more spouses share different native languages nowadays.

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So, how should you “#fluentup” in your other half’s language?

  1. State Your Goals Clearly And Clarify Your Intentions First

    If you are a multilingual couple, it is likely you’re also a multicultural couple as well. Remember that you have different ways of thinking and of communicating. Misunderstandings are common amongst monolingual couples, so imagine if you are multilingual! By stating clearly what and how you plan to learn or assist in the language learning process, you can avoid many misinterpretations. Whether it be the topics you cover, the way you deliver feedback, joke about mistakes or expect/ask for help… these are all subtle but very important motivators to avoid built in expectations and be open about the way you would like to carry this forward. In the end, remember, this is a process that is meant to grow you both closer and stronger as a couple first and foremost.

  2. Set Rules For Learning

    Being diligent and consistent is generally important for studying and is particularly applicable to learning a new language. You need to both apprehend first and then practice continuously. Rules help as they structure the learning process, create habits and make you mindful of the journey. There are different ways you could go. You could choose to have specific “language days”, where you dedicate specific weekdays to a chosen language. You could be more loose and have “language date nights” instead, and focus on particular topics as well (be openminded about your partner’s topics of interest!). Depending on your level, you could schedule dedicated time to focus on one particular language skill. For example, you could start by setting a specific day of the week dedicated to listening only. Once you start learning basic vocabulary and phrasal structures, your partner could use that time to speak to you as a native would. Or you could focus on writing (texting) in the chosen language to specifically improve that skill. With today’s technology, it is easier to express your surroundings, feelings, daily events in words (and get feedback). Other efforts to create habits can include having “a new word a day” or an “article of the day” chosen by your partner for you to learn and express in your communication. Even if we are talking about rules, you can get very creative!

  3. Schedule Activities Together

    Aside from bonding deeper and strengthening your relationship, there are many activities you can share that will boost your language learning. Singing is a great one. You can pick some songs you both like, make them “yours” and then sing together! You get to practice, understand vocabulary and their use in different contexts, as well as get corrected on pronunciation! You could also have a movie night, pick a foreign series that interests you both or take language trips together to enhance the use or learning of the language. Consider taking on photography during excursions together (e.g. hikes) to help each other describe what you see. Again, if you communicate openly and make this a shared and bonding experience, a whole world of activities opens up to do together, and with a common purpose! Ultimately, you may even share a blog of your language learning activities and keep track of your progress (which would help with written skills in your newly learnt language)!

  4. Take An Actual Language Course

    Do not rely on your partner to become your language teacher!

    At all levels, (beginner levels in particular), it is important you make an effort to structure your learning, learn from qualified teachers and use the latest available didactic material and methods. You will notice the difference in no time as your learning progresses and you reap the benefits of a focused and professional approach.

    This does not mean your partner cannot contribute significantly to your learning process. Quite the opposite actually! Practice what you learn as much as you can, whenever you can, and make sure you get corrected! We all know studying can become stressful, tiring and that diligence is a necessity. Adopting a language “buddy” rather than a language “teacher” approach can keep the relationship balanced and healthier, avoiding pitfalls of feeling used or resentful when every moment you share becomes a tutoring session.

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With a platform like FluentUp, you can find accessible and high quality language courses from a selection of language schools worldwide. Taking these courses wherever you are, even while next to your partner, becomes easy and you get to practice what you learned on the spot!

We hope that these simple tips can speed up your progress towards becoming a role model multilingual couple! Good luck and #fluentup!

Your Language Valentines,

FluentUp Team