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What Drives Us at FluentUp

Learning a new language has a subtle albeit wonderful influence on our own personal growth and life story.

The effects languages have on both how we perceive the world and the opportunities lying ahead of us, are a major asset in our globalised society. A foreign language simply changes your mindset before you even know it!

When we started working on FluentUp, we had one dream in mind.

We wanted to make it easy for people to see the world in a different way. We wanted to open new worlds for our customers to discover, experience and communicate with.

Personally, my life changed when I embarked on HSBC’s Global Graduate Programme back in 2011, where one of the pre-requisites for being hired was the ability to speak a minimum of 3 languages. I can only be grateful for such an asset, as having the ability to work around the world and deepen my communication with colleagues and clients from so many different backgrounds has enriched my life and professional experience way beyond my expectations.

How can FluentUp do the same for you?


FluentUp is a language learning platform matching students with real-time online courses offered by leading language schools around the world.

We exist to help you create your own story through language learning.

Whether it relates to a career move, a business opportunity, your next travel adventure, making new friends, learning about a fascinating culture, exploring your food passions, understanding your favourite literature or even revisiting your own family origins; the unique feeling that the world is becoming your oyster is priceless when you can understand and communicate with different people. It is amazing to see how languages can enrich your life story in so many different ways.

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Our world is a beautiful place!

For how cliché that may sound, the more you appreciate and learn about the world’s diversity, the more beautiful it becomes.

Why does FluentUp stand for?

Our mission at FluentUp is to open new worlds for you and be a part of your life journey and achievements.

FluentUp celebrates and embraces the cultural and linguistic diversity the world has to offer, believing it is a major force of growth, freedom and friendship in the world. As the Persian poet Rumi wrote more than 8 centuries ago,

“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world”.

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Learning a new language is not easy and requires constant investment in yourself. We have been through it, and we understand it. It is a lifetime achievement that seeds your future with fantastic opportunities.

By enabling the shift of thousands of language providers globally into the digital world of personalised learning, FluentUp makes high-quality and results-driven language learning more accessible, convenient and effective for you.

We can’t wait to see so many of you achieve your goals and create your own stories through language learning.

It’s never too late to invest in yourself, one step at a time.

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If you would like to stay in touch with us and keep updated with our news, follow us at FluentUp.