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3 simple habits that can drive better language learning results

Is it hard to learn a language? Yes, definitely! We know everyone is busy with work, family and personal stuff and it is very difficult to make time to learn a new language. Therefore, today we would like to introduce three simple habits for you to learn better!

  1. Wake up 30 minutes earlier in the morning

    After a day of hard work, we can understand that it is very hard for you to concentrate again. Therefore, try to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day in the morning to study the language. People who study during the day benefit from a refreshed and energized mind after a good night’s sleep. This energy makes it easier to focus on what is being learned, and absorb the information more effectively.

  2. Listen to audio clips on the go

    Do not waste your commute time! Try to listen to the audio clips of your target language every day and “practice your ears”. It will help you improve your listening and you will gain a better understanding of the tone and flow of your target language. From time to time, you will speak more naturally and develop a more native accent.

  3. Do not miss every chance to speak with a native speaker

    With the advance of internet technology, you can easily make friends online and do language exchange. Try to speak with a native speaker as much as possible or simply text using your target language! It is challenging, but what is the point of learning a new language if you never use it? Do not miss every chance to practice!

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