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Are you looking for a summer exchange?

Summer is a great time for studying abroad and broaden your academic and social exposure. You will be immersed in the language and culture of your chosen country and experience a whole range of different things. Are you looking for a study exchange this summer? Check out a list of benefits below!

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Personal Benefits

  • Become more independent and mature through the challenges you face on exchange which takes you out of your comfort zone
  • Experience a whole different culture and with the possibility of learning a new language
  • Enjoy the excitement of living in another country while learning how to plan your trip
  • Make new friends that will last a lifetime

Educational Benefits

  • Gain a rich understanding of another culture and come to better understand some global issues
  • Experience a new and different approach to learning and take some good things away from another language system
  • Learn how to present yourself and your culture in front of a new group of people

Career Benefits

  • Demonstrate your capacity to cope with different cultures and independence which is increasingly valued by your future employers
  • Gain a better understanding of global work opportunities
  • Become aware of job relocation options you haven’t thought of before

Future Study Benefits

  • Become aware of further study options you haven’t thought of before
  • Begin to learn a new language

Have you ever studied abroad or are looking for studying abroad opportunities? Share your experience with us!