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How To Prepare Language Exams

A recognised language certificate is important when it comes to immigration, university entrance requirement and job searching. However, nobody likes exams, let alone preparing for them! But with these tips, you’ll conquer those scaring language exams with no trouble at all (trust me, I am writing this article right before my German exam!)

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  1. Make a comprehensive plan

    Start your preparation plan right now! Look at your timetable and design yourself a tailor-made plan that gives you enough time to focus on all areas of the language. Dedicate between 60–90 minutes a day to your language learning, and make sure the plan covers all your needs. For example, I am particularly weak at listening, so when I design my German study plan, I put more focus on that area in order to have a comprehensive preparation. You have to give yourself a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses right from the start.

  2. Find your study buddies

    Studying the textbook is boring, so you have to make your exam preparation more social. Try to pair up with your classmates and set up a weekly study session with them. Studying in small groups is great when preparing for an exam. You can ask questions to your classmates and practice speaking with them together. It makes your study plan more efficient and engaging.

  3. Familiarise yourself with the exam format

    I actually hate this part! But when it comes to exam, you need to be more target-oriented and train your exam skills. Revising the sample exam papers and memorise some useful phrases that you think they are useful in writing and speaking. Familiarise yourself with the exam format so you know what to expect. Consider investing in test-specific material designed specifically for the language test you will be sitting, especially if you feel that you need a little extra support.

  4. Study on the go with an app

    There are many free language learning and test-specific gaming apps to help you prepare. While mobile self-study might not be enough on its own when it comes to preparing an exam — you still need to do some in-depth revision of grammar — it can be a great way to extend your vocabulary. Listening to the language podcasts on the go can also train your listening skills. Spend your commuting time wisely, you will be amazed by how this little practice everyday make a difference.

  5. Invest in an Exam Preparation Course

    Need more help to prepare with your language exam? You can try some exam preparation courses from experts in the field that are updated with the latest exam topics and formats, and can equip you with an effective and structured learning in addition to teaching you all you need to know to prepare you for a great result. The advantages of taking this kind of course is that it is fully exam-oriented, providing you with high quality learning targeted to your end-goal, and it gives you the confidence you need for your big day! Your investment is usually rewarded with a strong performance. Practice does make perfect, most language tests follow a clear and predictable format. The more training you get, the higher your scores will be!

Good luck with your exams! FluentUp Team