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Why you should give online language courses a try

Technological advancements march forward at a rapid-fire pace as companies race to deliver better tools and services to our fingertips. It probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise that learning is yet another frontier that has been infiltrated by technology, giving learners access to wider pools of knowledge and resources, etc.

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We’re here to detail just how exactly technology benefits language learning, using ourselves as the example:

  1. The quality of online learning is on par with that of traditional offline institutions

    As FluentUp, we’re proud to be able to say that all the foreign language schools we host are based in their own countries. That’s right! Taking up a course with any of our schools will guarantee that you learn from a certified native speaker, fully immersed in their country’s language and culture. We wrote in a previous blog post about how immersion in a foreign country is hands-down the most efficient method that a new foreign language learner can hope to ask for. The teachers from our language schools illustrates that very point.

    Furthermore, as our service essentially links students from one side of the world to teachers on the other side, we are also able to offer a wide variety of foreign languages. Our current roster includes: English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Korean, Latin, Spanish, and Italian.

  2. Get to know some easy to use, ubiquitous technology apps/tools

    Here are some of software we use to conduct lessons:

    - Conducting lessons in live time, using web-cam apps like Skype

    - Sharing language resources on the cloud, such as Google Drive

    - Resources in either the form of pre-recorded podcasts as mp3 files, or pre-recorded instructional videos uploaded onto media-sharing sites like Youtube

    - Fast and easy communication using messaging apps like Whatsapp

    Of course, that’s not all there is, as traditional learning tools like worksheets are also employed, sent as pdf documents to students via email. You’ll be able to complete it by hand or by computer, whichever suits your fancy. The fact stands that doing an online course will simultaneously teach you about using some of the finest Internet technology apps currently out there in the world, with applications that span both professional and layman settings!

  3. Sign up for and customize a course to your actual needs

    With digital based learning, we strive to differentiate ourselves from traditional learning not just in medium, but also in flexibility and scope. One of the things we offer on almost all our courses is an initial trial session. It lets you, the student, sample the course flow, the language instructor’s teaching style, as well as the new language you’re attempting to learn without the pressure of committing full-on to it, in money as well as in time.

    Being able to personalize your language learning experience is also another great thing that we’re able to offer. You can easily chat with your course instructor to discuss your literacy level, structure your course based on a specific aspect you would like to focus on. Furthermore, our courses are vastly accommodating for time differences, so you can put your personal schedule forefront and call the shots on deciding the lesson dates, timings, and the amount of lessons you want to take in all. Last but not least, as we have so many different courses on offer, you’ll be able to pick from a wide spectrum that ranges from general learning, to travel-use language, to business-level language, proficiency test-focused courses, and more!

    Start by checking out our course list here!